Solar diesel integration - Beirut International College

80 kWp
Discover how ePowerControl HFS enhances PV-diesel integration, improving yield by 30% at a college in Lebanon
Discover how ePowerControl HFS enhances PV-diesel integration, improving yield by 30% at a college in Lebanon 2


Solar diesel integration

The context

  • Product: ePowerControl HFS
The college is dependent on Lebanon’s main electricity supplier which unfortunately is unreliable. The power cuts are regular and can last for more than 4 hours. The outage happened mostly in the middle of the day when the sun radiations and PV production are at their peak.

To reduce diesel consumption, two control strategies were programmed and adapted to their needs :

  • Grid parallel mode
  • Islanded mode

Elum Energy products have helped Acemco in two ways:

  • ePowerContol HFS has brought reliable PV integration to the existing diesel genset plant increasing its yield by up to 30%.
  • ePowerMonitor platform has allowed precise PV plant performance monitoring for Acemco O&M team and a user-friendly interface for the
    Beirut University to showcase their energy and CO2 savings.
  • Layout:
  • PV80 kWp
  • Gensets: 2000 kVA
  • Inverters: 4 x ABB
  • Gensets:  2
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