ePowerControl ZE

Grid feed-in solar controller

A zero export controller dedicated to grid-tied solar plants for self-consumption applications to comply with national injection limitation regulation

Why choose ePowerControl ZE?

Efficient Grid Feed-in Management

Maximize PV production by curtailing solar power to avoid grid export and penalties. Set autonomous grid targets in compliance with local operator guidelines.

Power factor regulation

Fix solar power factor set points both in grid-tied and islanded configurations, through solar inverters reactive power management

Aggregation of Multiple points of injection

Combine the power of the multiple injection points within the system using only one controller, and with standard meters.
Schema C&I Building Solar diesel by Elum energy

Reclaim control on the operation of your plant

Ensure compliance with local regulation while maximizing PV penetration with our C&I solar solutions

configuration & plant management
Compatible with
95% equipment
of the market
Flexible architecture that adapts to the scaling of your project

How does our zero export controller work?

Ensure control with integrated features

Management of solar inverters to limit export to the grid.
Reactive power is controlled dynamically to regulate PF at PCC within a configured range. Includes the possibility to prioritize active or reactive power objectives.
Limitation of ramps for all controlled assets both for active and reactive power control.
Maintenance mode for assets to keep logging data from assets which should temporarily not be used for control. Optimized failsafes to stop devices when communication of key elements are missing.

Monitor your assets with data intelligence

From all linked devices on site (meters, solar inverters,
genset controllers, weather stations (irradiance/t°),
and I/O modules), & offer a secure local storage.

Unlock monitoring capability with our hypervision, platform ePowerMonitor

Elum has maximized the profitability of many grid-tied plants worldwide

Frequently asked questions

Our zero export controller is suited for the control and monitoring of solar energy systems integrating PV plants + grid in order to comply with local regulation.
The controller can do ZE for High Voltage / Medium Voltage. The easiest way is to read directly on the High Voltage Cell in Modbus (it can require the installation of a Modbus communication card in the cell) to avoid installing VT by the EPC to measure the incoming power from the grid.
Yes, in addition to the zero export feature, the ZE controllers include the maximum export and the minimum import features, which manage the exports and imports to the grid.

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