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ePowerControl HFS
Hybrid Fuel Saver Controller
A solar-diesel integration solution for power plants with
multiple gensets ranging from 300kWp to 3MWp.
multiple gensets ranging from 300kWp to 3MWp.

Why choose ePowerControl HFS?
Ensured minimum genset loading
Adjust solar inverters power to prevent the genset from running at a low load, ensuring efficient and reliable performance.
Minimize your fuel consumption
Adjust solar inverters power to produce a maximum of clean energy and prevent the gensets from running at a low load, ensuring efficient and reliable performance
Grid feed-in management
Curtail solar power to prevent leakage to the main grid, minimize wastage and maximize the utilization of PV energy on-site.
Power factor Improvement
Through the reactive power management of solar inverters, improve your power factor both in grid-tied and islanded configurations.

Reclaim control of your site operations
Seamlessly integrate solar diesel hybrid system to minimize fuel consumption.
Grid-tied plant? Our Zero Export Controller will ensure compliance with national injection limitation regulation.
How does our hybrid fuel saver controller work?

Ensure control with integrated features
Export and Import control for a single or multiple points of injection
Management of solar inverters to limit export to the grid and import (peak shaving) from the grid in grid-tied configuration.
Reactive power management
Reactive power is controlled dynamically to regulate PF at PCC or genset level within a configured range.
Includes the possibility to prioritize active or reactive power objectives.
Avoid fluctuations
Limitation of ramps for all controlled assets, for both active and reactive power control.
Minimum genset loading
Control of solar inverters to respect minimum loading of gensets. Control of gensets can be done individually.
Advanced maintenance and failsafe modes
Maintenance mode for assets to keep logging data from assets which should temporarily not be used for control. Optimized failsafes to stop devices when communication of key elements are missing.
Monitor your assets with data Intelligence
Reliable datalogging & data acquisition
From all linked devices on site (meters, solar inverters,
genset controllers, weather stations (irradiance/t°),
and I/O modules), & offer a secure local storage.
Data export & visualization
- Locally, over USB,
- Locally, over Modbus gateway
- Remotely, using ePowerMonitor or compatible third-party monitoring platforms
(FTP push, API integration).
Unlock monitoring capability with our hypervision, platform ePowerMonitor
Elum has brought reliable solar + diesel integration to these power plants

160 kWp
Solar diesel integration of an export company in Argentina
ePowerControl HFS optimizes solar integration, minimizing diesel consumption and ensuring efficient power utilization at an export company.

850 kWp
Solar diesel integration of a mining company in Brazil
ePowerControl HFS cuts fuel usage in an 850 kWp off-grid mining project in Brazil, optimizing solar-diesel integration.

South Asia
720 kWp
Solar diesel integration of a coal mine in Indonesia
ePowerControl HFS optimizes solar-diesel integration, reducing fuel consumption and ensuring efficient electricity production at a coal mine in East Kalimantan.

148 kWp
Hybrid solar power plant of a mining company in Madagascar
ePowerControl HFS optimizes renewable energy usage in an off-grid hybrid power plant in Ambokatra, Madagascar.
Frequently asked questions
Which applications are suited to the HFS series?
ePowerControl HFS is suited for the control and monitoring of solar energy systems integrating PV plants + grid + diesel generators, with a minimum capacity of 300 kWp.
Does the solution support genset dispatch function?
In case of multiple gensets, the controller dispatches the total genset active power setpoints to the different gensets configured individually. The produced dispatch ensures that no genset active power setpoint exceeds the primary rated power or the genset minimum loading defined.
Does the solution include reverse power protection function ?
The controller is not a protection relay. it is important to install a reverse power protection.
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