Homepage > Utility Scale
ePowerControl PPC
Power Plant Controllers
An advanced controller tailored to serve grid-tied and off-grid utility-scale solar plant applications.
Comply with national grid codes
- Increased installation reliability
- Facilitate remote maintenance
- Connection with aggregators to access spot market

Why choose ePowerControl PPC?
Flexible Control Strategy
Ensured grid-compliance
Connection with spot market
Spinning reserve management

Achieve optimal performance while complying with complex
grid requirements
Advanced control solution able to meet local grid-code requirements, technical constraints from the IPP and the final client,
throughout the 25 years of PPA Contract.
How does our power plant controller

Tailored control features to meet your project requirements
Active power management
Reactive power management
Coupling/decoupling function
Management of decoupling requests/coupling based upon authorization from the TSO/DSO
TSO / DSO interface
Variable operating mode
Two distinct operating modes are available:
– Manual mode, in which the user defines active and reactive powers setpoints targets,
– Automatic mode, in which the generation of setpoints is automatic based on the selected configuration.
acquisition with ePowerSCADA
✔ Real time offline monitoring
✔ Offline alarms
✔ Touchscreen visualization
✔ Remote access

Elum has provided seamless operation of large-scale power plants worldwide

Frequently asked questions
Which applications are suited to the ePowerControl PPC ?
ePowerControl PPC is suited for the control and monitoring of utility-scale solar plant applications (grid-tied or off-grid), with advanced capabilities in the field of PV monitoring system.
Does the ePowerControl PPC control logic comply to the national grid requirements?
Is it possible for the grid operator to control the PV remotely?
The monitoring and control of the power plant is possible via Elum SCADA system for PV plants or third-party SCADA.